Empower Your Business with iSkyah: Your Cybersecurity Partner

Empower Your Business with iSkyah: Your Cybersecurity Partner

In the fast-paced digital landscape of today, where information reigns supreme and online transactions are the norm, safeguarding your business against the relentless tide of cyber threats is an imperative. As a business owner, you bear the responsibility not only for your own sensitive data but also for the trust and security of your customers and partners. Join us on this journey as we delve into essential cybersecurity practices and strategies meticulously tailored to meet the unique needs of business owners. By the time you finish reading, you'll be well-prepared to fortify your enterprise against the ever-evolving realm of cyber threats.

The Current Cyber Threat Landscape

  • With the increasing prevalence of cyberattacks, businesses have become the primary target for malicious actors. From cunning phishing scams to data breaches of various kinds, the threats are vast and increasingly sophisticated. As a business owner, comprehending the nature of these threats represents your first line of defense.

The Vital Role of Cybersecurity for Business Owners

  • 1. Safeguard Your Reputation: A cybersecurity breach has the potential to erode the trust your customers place in your business. Protecting your reputation should be a top priority. 
  • 2. Shield Sensitive Data: As a business owner, you hold the responsibility for safeguarding sensitive customer and financial data. Falling victim to a data breach can lead to significant legal and financial consequences. 
  • 3. Ensure Uninterrupted Business Operations: Cyberattacks can disrupt your daily operations. By implementing robust cybersecurity measures, you can ensure your business continues to function, even in the face of threats.

Do you realize that there are different types of hackers you need to be aware of?

  • In our interconnected world, understanding the various types of hackers and their motivations is akin to having a roadmap through the digital wilderness. Whether you’re a business owner or an individual, it is crucial to be cognizant of these digital personas in order to safeguard your interests and assets effectively. In this personal blog, we will explore the hacker archetypes that demand your attention in today’s digital landscape, as well as their motives and the threats they pose.
1. Script Kiddies - Motive: Driven by curiosity and a desire to impress peers. 
Threat Level: Low to Moderate
  • Script kiddies are the newcomers to the world of hacking. They utilize pre-written scripts and tools without a deep understanding of them. Their motives are typically rooted in curiosity, and their attacks are generally unsophisticated. While their threat level may be relatively low, their actions can still disrupt your digital life.
2. Hacktivists - Motive: Advocating for social, political, or ethical causes.
Threat Level: Variable but potentially significant.
  • Hacktivists are fueled by their beliefs and employ hacking skills to advance social or political causes. Their actions can range from defacing websites to conducting data breaches, and their threats can be substantial, especially if your business’s practices or beliefs conflict with theirs.
3. Cybercriminals - Motive: Pursuit of financial gain.
Threat Level: High.
  • Cybercriminals are the most financially motivated of the lot. They aim to seize your money, personal information, and sensitive data through various techniques, including phishing, ransomware, and identity theft. Often backed by organized crime groups, they pose a serious threat to individuals and businesses alike.
4. State-Sponsored Hackers - Motive: Espionage, cyber warfare, and political influence.
Threat Level: Very High.
  • Governments across the globe employ highly skilled hackers for cyber espionage and cyber warfare. These state-sponsored hackers target critical infrastructure, pilfer sensitive information, and engage in espionage activities. They wield significant resources and advanced tools, making them formidable adversaries.
5. Insider Threats - Motive: Varied (disgruntlement, negligence, social engineering).
Threat Level: Depends on the individual's intent.
  • Governments across the globe employ highly skilled hackers for cyber espionage and cyber warfare. These state-sponsored hackers target critical infrastructure, pilfer sensitive information, and engage in espionage activities. They wield significant resources and advanced tools, making them formidable adversaries.
6. White Hat Hackers (Ethical Hackers) - Motive: Strengthening cybersecurity defenses.
Threat Level: None – they are allies.
  • White hat hackers, also known as ethical hackers, are your allies in the cybersecurity world. They utilize their expertise to help organizations identify and rectify vulnerabilities. Employed for penetration testing, they ensure your defenses are robust, thus reducing the risk of attacks from other hacker types.
  • In the digital age, understanding the types of hackers and their motivations is pivotal to safeguarding your digital interests. Cyber threats are multifaceted and continually evolving, so staying informed and proactive is essential. By equipping yourself with this knowledge, you can tailor your cybersecurity strategy to effectively mitigate risks and navigate the digital realm with confidence. Remember, the digital frontier may be intricate, but with awareness and preparedness, you can protect what matters most to you.

Essential Cybersecurity Practices for Business Owners

  • 1. Employee Training Educate your employees on cybersecurity best practices. They often serve as the first line of defense against phishing and social engineering attacks. Regular training sessions can empower your team to identify and respond to potential threats. 
  • 2. Strong Password Policies Implement robust password policies that promote complex, unique passwords. Consider adopting multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an additional layer of security to your accounts and systems. 
  • 3. Regular Software Updates Outdated software is a common entry point for cybercriminals. Ensure that all your business software and systems are regularly updated to patch known vulnerabilities. 
  • 4. Secure Your Network Invest in a robust firewall and intrusion detection system. Use encryption to protect data in transit and restrict access to your network based on the principle of least privilege. 
  • 5. Data Backups Regularly back up your data and ensure that backups are stored in a secure and separate location. This can be a lifesaver in the event of a ransomware attack or data loss. 
  • 6. Incident Response Plan Prepare for the worst by developing a comprehensive incident response plan. Knowing how to react in the event of a breach can minimize damage and downtime.

Collaboration with Cybersecurity Experts

Consider partnering with cybersecurity experts or hiring a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to oversee your security measures. They can provide guidance and tailor a cybersecurity strategy to your specific business needs.

As a business owner, cybersecurity is not an option but a necessity. Safeguarding your business, your customers, and your reputation is a continuous endeavor. Staying informed, implementing best practices, and seeking expert guidance will help you stay one step ahead of the ever-evolving cyber threats. In this digital age, protecting your business against cyberattacks is an investment in your company's future and its enduring success.

Ready to secure your business? Partner with iSkyah, your trusted IT outsourcing company, and empower your business with top-notch tech experts. Together, we'll build an impenetrable fortress to defend against the ever-evolving cyber threats. Contact us today to embark on your journey to digital security and success. Your business's future depends on it.

The IT Challenges Faced by Businesses Today

The IT Challenges Faced by Businesses Today

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses are constantly grappling with IT-related challenges that can often feel like persistent headaches. From technical glitches to security concerns, the demands of managing an in-house IT department can be overwhelming. However, there is a solution that can offer much-needed relief: IT outsourcing services. In this blog post, we'll explore how IT outsourcing can transform your business and position it as the ultimate solution to your IT-related headaches.

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses encounter a multitude of IT challenges. These include:

a. Data Security Concerns: Protecting sensitive information from cyber threats and data breaches.

b. Software and Hardware Maintenance:Keeping systems and applications up-to-date and functional.

c. 24/7 Support: Addressing IT issues promptly, even outside regular business hours.

d. Cost Management: Balancing IT costs while ensuring optimal performance.

The Benefits of IT Outsourcing Services

IT outsourcing services offer a comprehensive solution to these challenges, providing several benefits, including:

a. Expertise: Access to a team of skilled IT professionals with diverse knowledge and experience.

b. Cost Savings: Reducing overhead costs associated with maintaining an in-house IT department.

c. Scalability: The flexibility to scale IT services as your business grows.

d. Enhanced Security: Strengthening your cybersecurity measures through advanced tools and protocols.

e. Focus on Core Competencies: Allowing your team to concentrate on what your business does best.

Tailored IT Solutions

IT outsourcing services are not one-size-fits-all. They can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you require cybersecurity enhancements, cloud computing solutions, or help desk support, outsourcing providers can craft a customized plan that aligns with your business objectives.

What are the Factors to Consider When Choosing an IT Outsourcing Partner

Selecting the right outsourcing partner is crucial. Consider factors such as experience, reputation, service offerings, and pricing when making your decision.

Steps to Get Started with IT Outsourcing

If you’re ready to be FREE with your IT-related headaches, follow these steps to start the outsourcing process:

a. Assess Your Needs:Identify your specific IT challenges and objectives.

b. Research Potential Partners:Compare and contrast various IT outsourcing providers.

c. Negotiate Terms: Work with the selected partner to establish a mutually beneficial contract.

d. Implement the Plan: Begin the transition from in-house IT to outsourcing.

The Road to IT Relief

Are persistent IT headaches holding your business back? Unlock relief with iSkyah's tailored IT outsourcing services. Let us be your partner on the road to IT relief.​

Implementing IT outsourcing services may not be an overnight process, but it's a journey toward long-term headache relief. With the right partner by your side, you can streamline your IT operations, enhance your security posture, and focus on the core aspects of your business.

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Django Engineer



We are looking for world-class talent to join a crack team of engineers, product managers and designers. We want people who are passionate about creating software that makes a difference to the world. We like people who are brimming with ideas and who take initiative rather than wait to be told what to do. We prize team-first mentality, personal responsibility and tenacity to solve hard problems and meet deadlines. As part of a small and lean team, you will have a very direct impact on the success of the company.

What you'll do as Django Engineer?

● Collaborate with cross-functional engineering and product teams to design and develop products.

● Take an active responsibility in creating highly scalable products for our scaling needs.

● Write highly performant code that is clean, simple, maintainable, and battle-tested with test-driven development (TDD) for maximum test coverage automated from pull request all the way to release.

● Wear the polyglot hat and deep-dive into multiple codebases to contribute and understand how things work under the hood


● Solid Computer Science fundamentals, excellent problem-solving skills.

● 5+ years of hands-on experience with Django

● Ability to take full ownership and work independently while collaborating with others in a fast-paced agile and async team.

● Willingness to pick up new and emerging bleeding edge technologies

● Experience participating or maintaining in open-source software development is preferred

● Good communication skills (written and verbal), proven team player, rolling up the sleeves and getting involved in the nitty gritty.

● Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or related field from a top university.

● Able to work within the GMT+8 time zone

What we offer:

An exciting and passionate working environment within a young and fast-growing company

● The opportunity to work with a high performing team

● A competitive salary package

● The ability to work from anywhere in the world (assuming a stable internet connection)

● The chance of being a fundamental part of the team and make a difference

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Blockchain Solidity engineers



We are looking for world-class talent to join a crack team of engineers, product managers and designers. We want people who are passionate about creating software that makes a difference to the world. We like people who are brimming with ideas and who take initiative rather than wait to be told what to do. We prize team-first mentality, personal responsibility and tenacity to solve hard problems and meet deadlines. As part of a small and lean team, you will have a very direct impact on the success of the company.

What you'll do as Blockchain Solidity Engineer?

● Design, develop, and maintain Web 3.0 based applications with Rust, C++, Solidity or Node.JS. Experience in React is advantageous

Create highly performant code that are clean, simple, maintainable, and battle-tested with test-driven development (TDD) for maximum test coverage automated from pull request all the way to release.

Help design the architecture, own development of scalable Web 3.0 modules.

Help level up the team; share knowledge, conduct code and design review; drive code quality and process improvement initiatives.

Work in cross functional teams with product managers, UX designers and QA engineers to ship software on-quality and on-time.


Solid Computer Science fundamentals, excellent problem-solving skills.

● Experience working in a fast-paced tech-driven start-up, building decentralized applications for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) blockchains with at least 1 year of experience or in a similar capacity.

● Strong proficiency in CeFi and DeFi crypto protocols including but not limited to options, futures, perpetual swap, leveraged trading.

● Technical understanding of blockchain technologies including but not limited to cryptography, BIPs, DeFi, UTXO, EVM, or Nakamoto Consensus.

● Ability to take full ownership and work independently while collaborating with others in a fast-paced agile and async team.

● Willingness to pick up new and emerging bleeding edge blockchain technologies

● Experience participating or maintaining in open-source software development is highly preferred

● Good communication skills (written and verbal), proven team player, rolling up the sleeves and getting involved in the nitty gritty.

● Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or related field from a top university.

● Able to work within the GMT+8 time zone

What we offer:

An exciting and passionate working environment within a young and fast-growing company

● The opportunity to work with a high performing team

● A competitive salary package

● The ability to work from anywhere in the world (assuming a stable internet connection)

● The chance of being a fundamental part of the team and make a difference

QA Automation Engineer



We are looking for world-class talent to join a crack team of engineers, product managers and designers. We want people who are passionate about creating software that makes a difference to the world. We like people who are brimming with ideas and who take initiative rather than wait to be told what to do. We prize team-first mentality, personal responsibility and tenacity to solve hard problems and meet deadlines. As part of a small and lean team, you will have a very direct impact on the success of the company.

What you'll do as Customer Service Representative?

● Work with product team to understand requirements, design comprehensive test plans and test cases.

● Execute the plans to thoroughly test all software releases under your charge, which can include client and server-side products, API platform and server infrastructure.

● Create automated tests for the test cases, manually test software for which automation is not available yet.

● Report and track defects, prepare test plan report, sign off on releases.

● Help define, implement and drive adoption of QA best practices and processes. Proactively help improve processes.

● Support other test areas including performance, load, security


5 years of hands-on experience in automated and manual testing in web and mobile apps.

● Deep understanding of software QA, including best practices, processes and all kinds of testing.

● Highly skilled in automated test tools (like Cucumber, Selenium, Appium) for web, mobile and server-side software.

● Extensive hands-on experience with programming in any modern language.

● Solid Computer Science fundamentals, excellent problem-solving skills and a strong understanding of distributed computing principles.

● Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

● Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or related field from a top university.

● Able to work within the GMT+8 time zone

What we offer:

An exciting and passionate working environment within a young and fast-growing company

● The opportunity to work with a high performing team

● A competitive salary package

● The ability to work from anywhere in the world (assuming a stable internet connection)

● The chance of being a fundamental part of the team and make a difference

Product Manager



We are looking for world-class talent to join a crack team of engineers, product managers and designers. We want people who are passionate about creating software that makes a difference to the world. We like people who are brimming with ideas and who take initiative rather than wait to be told what to do. We prize team-first mentality, personal responsibility and tenacity to solve hard problems and meet deadlines. As part of a small and lean team, you will have a very direct impact on the success of the company.

What you'll do as Product Manager?

● Set the product vision and strategy to drive product development, growth, and engagement

● Collaborate with cross-functional teams, such as design, engineering, and sales, to ensure alignment and successful launch of new products

● Recruit, Lead, mentor, and motivate the product development team to deliver high-quality products in a timely manner

● Conduct market research and analysis to identify market opportunities and inform product development decisions

● Monitor and report on product performance to identify areas for improvement and drive product growth

● Stay informed about industry trends and emerging technologies to inform product development decisions

● Manage the product roadmap and backlog, ensuring that features and enhancements are prioritized and delivered on-time and within budget


Solid Computer Science fundamentals, excellent problem-solving skills.

● Proven experience as a Sr Product Manager or Head of Product or similar leadership role, with a track record of delivering successful products and driving product growth

● Strong knowledge of product development best practices and a deep understanding of the technology industry

● Experience with Agile methodologies and product management tools to manage the product development lifecycle

● Good communication skills (written and verbal), organizational skills, proven team player, rolling up the sleeves and getting involved in the nitty gritty.

● Exceptional interpersonal skills

● Strong leadership and mentoring skills, with the ability to motivate and inspire a product development team to deliver high-quality products

● Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to identify opportunities for product growth and improvement

● Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or related field from a top university.

● Able to work within the GMT+8 time zone

What we offer:

An exciting and passionate working environment within a young and fast-growing company

● The opportunity to work with a high performing team

● A competitive salary package

● The ability to work from anywhere in the world (assuming a stable internet connection)

● The chance of being a fundamental part of the team and make a difference

Business Development



We are looking for world-class talent to join a crack team of engineers, product managers and designers. We want people who are passionate about creating software that makes a difference to the world. We like people who are brimming with ideas and who take initiative rather than wait to be told what to do. We prize team-first mentality, personal responsibility and tenacity to solve hard problems and meet deadlines. As part of a small and lean team, you will have a very direct impact on the success of the company.

What you'll do as Business Development Manager?

● Outreach: help execute an outreach strategy, especially for vendors

Partnerships: listen attentively, communicate effectively, and present confidently the benefits of partnerships

Onboarding: welcome and onboard users to the organization

Account management: act as a Single Point of Contact for your assigned businesses throughout the journey; manage the overall relationship through proactive, open, and responsive communication


● 3+ years of experience as a BDM or SDR

Strong desire and ability to realize larger and more strategic roles within a sales organization

Experience in doing sales in the APAC/US/EMEA region

Able to work with minimal supervision

Comfortable in speaking with C-Level professionals

Excellent listening, negotiation and presentation skills

High energy and activity levels

Excellent organization and time-management skills - a structured way of working, but flexible enough to cater to continuous change

Ability to work in a multicultural and remote setting

Excellent English written and verbal communication skill

What we offer:

An exciting and passionate working environment within a young and fast-growing company

● The opportunity to work with a high performing team

● A competitive salary package

● The ability to work from anywhere in the world (assuming a stable internet connection)

● The chance of being a fundamental part of the team and make a difference

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IT Project Manager



We are looking for world-class talent to join a crack team of engineers, product managers and designers. We want people who are passionate about creating software that makes a difference to the world. We like people who are brimming with ideas and who take initiative rather than wait to be told what to do. We prize team-first mentality, personal responsibility and tenacity to solve hard problems and meet deadlines. As part of a small and lean team, you will have a very direct impact on the success of the company.

What you'll do as IT Project Manager?

● Coordinate people and processes to deliver projects on time, within budget and with the desired outcomes aligned to objectives

Define project objectives, project scope, roles & responsibilities

Define resource requirements and managing resource availability & allocation – both internal and third party

Outline a budget based on requirements and tracking costs to deliver project on budget

Prepare a detailed project plan to schedule key project milestones, workstreams & activities.

Managing delivery of the project according to this plan

Track project and providing regular reports on project status to project team and key stakeholders.

Manage and adjust for any changes in project scope, schedule and / or budget

Identify and mitigate potential risks

Manage the relationship and communication with the client and all stakeholders, ensuring the project is delivered to their satisfaction


● Solid Computer Science fundamentals, excellent problem-solving skills.

● 5+ years of experience in IT systems and software development

● Strong familiarity with project management software tools, methodologies, and best practices

● Understanding of the software development life cycle, Data Flow Diagrams, Entity Relationship diagrams

● Proven ability to complete projects according to outlined scope, budget, and timeline

● Good communication skills (written and verbal), organizational skills, proven team player, rolling up the sleeves and getting involved in the nitty gritty.

● Exceptional interpersonal skills

● Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or related field from a top university.

● Able to work within the GMT+8 time zone

What we offer:

An exciting and passionate working environment within a young and fast-growing company

● The opportunity to work with a high performing team

● A competitive salary package

● The ability to work from anywhere in the world (assuming a stable internet connection)

● The chance of being a fundamental part of the team and make a difference

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